Monday, 10 October 2011

My first exhibition!

Ok, so I am officially the world's worst blogger... 8 months since my last confession - that's terrible! But, despite the fact that I haven't updated this blog in far too long, I have actually been working hard at my drawing and I feel like I've really improved over the summer.

Next weekend will be the one year anniversary since I set up the Bristol Sketchers group, and to celebrate we are holding an exhibition in the Parlour on Park Street, Bristol. Twelve of us will be exhibiting work from and inspired by our weekly sketches. It's hard to believe the group has been going for a year now, and it's great to be able to celebrate this with our own show.

Here's a photograph of some of the pieces I'm going to hang this weekend. I've got a couple more to finish tomorrow night, so hoping to have maybe five in total.

I'm a bit nervous about the whole thing now. Fingers crossed it goes ok...

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